Why I Wouldn’t Use AirPods Pro for Hearing Protection

AirPods Pro as Hearing Protection

AirPods Pro 2 have an upgraded, powerful active noise cancelling function that can make a gas-powered lawn mower, many power tools and other machinery and even music bass appear a lot quieter. Sometimes the results are stunning. Perhaps you are wondering: “Why not get rid of earplugs and ear defenders and use my AirPods Pro …

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Slamming Your Fridge Door: A Simple and Effective Earplug Test


Getting a consistent, deep fit with your earplugs is crucial if you want to effectively reduce lower pitched impact sounds such as door slams, stomping noise, etc. But how do you know you are getting a good, deep seal? Judging your earplug fit by listening to everyday noises can be deceiving. Your earplugs might muffle …

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